Big explosion near commander house of Kurdish-led militia in northern Syria

Source: Xinhua| 2019-02-02 04:30:08|Editor: yan
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DAMASCUS, Feb. 1 (Xinhua) -- A big explosion was reported on Friday near the house of a Kurdish-led militia commander in northern Syria, activists said.

The explosion occurred near the house of the commander of the Kurdish-led Manbij Military Council (MMC) in the city of Manbij in the northern countryside of Aleppo province.

No casualties have been reported yet, but the report said that a patrol of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) was passing by when the blast hit in al-Jazeera road in Manbij.

It is worth noting that Manbij is controlled by the MMC, which is backed by the SDF and the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG).

The last explosion in Manbij took place on Jan. 29, when a roadside bomb targeted a military convoy of the SDF, wounding many fighters.

Earlier this month, two explosions rocked Manbij, targeting military patrols of the U.S.-led coalition.

American soldiers were among those killed in the bombings that were claimed by the Islamic State (IS).

The United States has a military presence in Syria, mainly in Kurdish-controlled areas in northern and northeastern Syria.

The U.S.-led coalition is engaged in an operation to drive out the IS militants from their last stronghold in the eastern Euphrates region in eastern Syria.

The U.S. President Donald Trump said in December 2018 that he decided to withdraw U.S. forces from Syria.