Factbox: China's economic and social progress in 2018

Source: Xinhua| 2019-03-01 18:31:25|Editor: Li Xia
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BEIJING, March 1 (Xinhua) -- Under the backdrop of complex and severe international environment, China achieved stable economic and social development last year and made solid progress in reform and opening-up.

Here are some related facts and figures from the National Bureau of Statistics:

-- GDP grew 6.6 percent year on year to hit 90.03 trillion yuan (about 13.46 trillion U.S. dollars) in 2018. Per capita GDP hit 64,644 yuan.

-- New economic drivers continued to grow, with the tertiary industry accounting for 52.2 percent of GDP. Consumer spending contributed 76.2 percent to GDP growth.

-- Of the nearly 1.4 billion population on the Chinese mainland, 59.58 percent were urban residents, up 1.06 percentage points from the previous year.

-- A total of 13.61 million jobs were created in urban areas, up 100,000 from the previous year.

-- Rural residents living below the national poverty line dropped to 16.6 million, down by 13.86 million year on year. The proportion of poor population dipped to 1.7 percent.

-- Per capita disposable income of rural residents in poverty-stricken areas stood at 10,371 yuan, a 10.6-percent year-on-year rise.

-- Grain output totaled 657.89 million tons. Cotton output was 6.1 million tons, and production of pork, beef, mutton and poultry stood at 85.17 million tons.

-- Construction of about 5.11 million homes was completed under the shantytown rebuilding program, and 1.57 million rural dilapidated houses were renovated.

-- Civil vehicle ownership amounted to 240.28 million units as of the end of the last year, up 10.5 percent year on year.

-- Foreign exchange reserves were 3.07 trillion U.S. dollars as of the end of last year. The Chinese yuan's average exchange rate strengthened 2 percent to 6.6174 against the U.S. dollar.

-- Total goods exports and imports reached 30.5 trillion yuan, up 9.7 percent year on year. Services trade also saw robust growth of 11.5 percent to 5.24 trillion yuan.

-- The number of new foreign-funded companies on the Chinese mainland, excluding those in banking, securities and insurance sectors, jumped 69.8 percent to 60,553, and foreign direct investment totaled 885.6 billion yuan.

-- Outbound non-financial investment came in at 797.4 billion yuan, of which those going to countries along the Belt and Road rose 8.9 percent year on year.

-- Tax revenue rose 8.3 percent to 15.64 trillion yuan.

-- M2, a broad measure of money supply that covers cash in circulation and all deposits, rose 8.1 percent.

-- The research and development expenditures increased 11.6 percent to over 1.96 trillion yuan, accounting for 2.18 percent of GDP. Patent applications amounted to 4.32 million, up 16.9 percent.

-- The number of space launches came at 38, including China's Chang'e-4 probe making the first-ever soft landing on moon's far side. The BeiDou Navigation Satellite System started providing global service.

-- A total of 161.99 million outbound trips were made by Chinese people, up 13.5 percent.

-- The new afforestation area was 7.07 million hectares, and there were 474 national nature reserves at the end of 2018.

-- The consumption of clean energy accounted for 22.1 percent of total energy consumption, up 1.3 percentage points year on year. The use of coal dropped to 59 percent from 60.4 percent.