Palestinian killed by Israel shelling in northern Gaza Strip

Source: Xinhua| 2019-05-04 18:16:02|Editor: Li Xia
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GAZA, May 4 (Xinhua) -- A Palestinian man was killed after the Israeli war jets targeted the citizens' lands in northern Gaza Strip, medic sources said on Saturday.

Ashraf al-Qedra, the spokesman of the Health Ministry in the Gaza Strip, said in an emailed statement that Emad Naseir, 22 years old, was killed in an Israeli strike that targeted the lands belong to the citizens in northern Gaza Strip, continuing the tensions for the second day.

Palestinian security sources said that the Israeli war jets targeted a group of people while they were in an agriculture land in Bait Hanoun town in northern Gaza Strip.

The targeting was coincided with the artillery shelling which targeted several "monitoring points" belong to the military wings of Palestinian factions along the eastern border of Gaza Strip, the source added.

This comes after the Palestinian military factions on Saturday fired a number of rockets at Israel for the second day of tensions, Palestinian security sources said.

The security sources told Xinhua that successive explosions were heard in Gaza as the result of firing of the rockets. The Israeli Iron Dome air defense systems intercepted the fired rockets.

The Israeli army announced that the war planes raided two platforms used to launch the rockets.

"At least three Palestinians were wounded by the Israeli shelling," Palestinian sources said.

On Friday, four Palestinians were killed and 51 injured during clashes with the Israeli army forces in eastern Gaza Strip close to the border with Israel, medics and security sources said.

Meanwhile, Israeli army said 2 Israeli soldiers were wounded by gunfire from Gaza.

Palestinian military factions announced in a brief statement that "in the face of the brutal Israeli aggression on our people, we call on all military cases to increase readiness and respond to the crimes of the enemy."