SYRIZA's defeat, call for snap elections grab Greek media headlines

Source: Xinhua| 2019-05-28 04:00:15|Editor: Mu Xuequan
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ATHENS, May 27 (Xinhua) -- Greece's ruling left-wing SYRIZA party's defeat by the conservatives in both European and local elections and the call for snap elections hit the headlines of Monday editions of Athens daily newspapers and were the main topics among analysts and political experts.

"The big question is whether SYRIZA can overturn the 9.5 percentage point lead of the main opposition conservative New Democracy (ND) party in such a short period of time, as well as the current political climate," Petros Katsakos, editor-in-chief of daily newspaper Avghi (Dawn), told Xinhua.

"This is the big bet for SYRIZA and Alexis Tsipras," he pointed out.

For Katsakos, SYRIZA should read and interpret the result of the elections without aphorisms, but with self-criticism.

"The ruling party should read with the best and accurate way the messages, the loose and punitive vote of the European elections and translate them into the essential and sufficient actions that can unite," Katsakos stressed.

Katerina Galanou, editor-in-chief of Politics Department, in Fileleftheros (Liberal) daily interpreted the result as a stunning rejection of SYRIZA's politics and its governance model.

According to Galanou, the Greek society could not stand the political toxicity.

"For a long period of time, SYRIZA chose to create dipoles, such as good and bad, friend and enemy, but the Greek people could not stand that and reacted," she noted.

Regarding Tsipras' decision to call early national elections, Katsakos justified the Greek prime minister, saying that he did not have another option with such a wide margin.

"The result and the margin were those points that led the PM to take that decision. He could not stop the course of events," he noted.

The call for snap elections prevailed in the headlines of Athens dailies.

"National elections for a clear mandate" read the headline on the front page of "Avghi", "Elections-bet for Tsipras" read the daily "Ethnos" (Nation) newspaper. "Efimerida ton Syntakton" (Editors Journal) daily stated in its headline "Strong defeat, bold decision", while "New Democracy's victory" read the daily "Eleftheros Typos" (Free Press).

Tsipras announced on Sunday that he would visit the Greek president to start the procedures for early national elections after the second round of local elections on June 2.