North Macedonia's gov't to reshuffle by mid-June: PM

Source: Xinhua| 2019-05-31 00:53:49|Editor: Mu Xuequan
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SKOPJE, May 30 (Xinhua) -- North Macedonia's government reshuffle will be announced by mid-June, the Prime Minister Zoran Zaev told reporters on Thursday.

Zaev declared that he is discussion with the persons who will take over the vacant positions.

"I believe the entire procedure will end by mid-June," Zaev said.

Meanwhile, Zaev, who is also the leader of Social Democratic Union party (SDSM), confirmed that the relation with the governing coalition Democratic Union for Integration (DUI) party is stable, and the mutual trust with the DUI leader Ali Ahmeti is on a high level.

Zaev underlined that the governing coalition is aware of some poor managers part of the government or state administration and this is the reason of the changes.

"The public is detecting the weaknesses, resulting in corrections both in SDSM and DUI," Zaev added.

On April 24, Zaev announced the reshuffle of his cabinet after the second round of presidential elections (May 5) following the low turnout of voters in the first round (April 21), saying that "dissatisfied voters have definitely sent the message that they are disappointed by certain government officials, by certain policies and that must be changed."