Greek PM welcomes National Homeless Football Team, promises to fight poverty

Source: Xinhua| 2019-08-06 04:52:46|Editor: Mu Xuequan
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ATHENS, Aug. 5 (Xinhua) -- Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis welcomed on Monday the Greek Homeless National Football Team at Maximos Mansion, in Athens, praising them for their strength and pledged to stand by those who are fighting for a better life.

The team participated in the 17th Homeless World Cup held in Cardiff, United Kingdom, as more than 500 players representing over 50 countries and regions were present at the week-long festival from July 27 to Aug. 3.

Mitsotakis thanked the members of the team for their visit, and listened to their problems.

"You are a beacon of optimism and you show us that whatever difficulties one may face, one can overcome them, by the power of will," he said, quoted by Greek national news agency AMNA.

Mitsotakis noted that social inclusion and the fight against poverty are a "personal bet" and underlined how he strives for a society that will provide opportunities for everyone.

The Prime Minister promised that the government will do whatever it is required for Greece to host the next Homeless World Cup.

The National Homeless Football team is made of people who experience social exclusion and suffer from homelessness and drug addiction, refugees and unemployed. It made its debut in 2007 before the economic crisis hit the country. The aim of the initiative is to use football and sports as a means of reintegration into society.