Afghan airstrikes smash Taliban radio in eastern Ghazni province

Source: Xinhua| 2019-08-26 13:36:11|Editor: Liu
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GHAZNI, Afghanistan, Aug. 26 (Xinhua) -- Afghan fighting aircrafts have targeted a Taliban hideout in Khawja Omari district of the eastern Ghazni province, killing four militants and smashing Radio Emirate -- the propaganda device of the armed outfit, district police chief Omid Ghorbandi said Monday.

"Acting upon intelligence report, the security forces launched air raids in Barakat area of Khawja Omari district on Saturday evening, destroying the mouthpiece of insurgent group and killing four of its employees on the spot," Ghorbandi told Xinhua.

The radio, according to the official, was involved in anti-government propaganda to incite the people against the government in its security forces.

It is the second time over the past one month that the government forces have targeted Taliban radio in the relatively violent Ghazni province.

In the previous attack, the fighting aircrafts struck a Taliban hideout and destroyed Radio Shariat (Voice of Sharia) in Zana Khan district of Ghazni province some four weeks ago.

Taliban militants haven't commented on the report.