Typhoon Podul likely to hit China's island province

Source: Xinhua| 2019-08-27 19:10:23|Editor: Li Xia
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HAIKOU, Aug. 27 (Xinhua) -- Typhoon Podul, the 12th this year, is approaching southern China's Hainan Province and is likely to land on the southeast part of the island on Friday, the provincial meteorological observatory said Tuesday.

The typhoon formed over the northwest waters of the Pacific Ocean Tuesday morning. Its center was located about 400 km east of the Philippine capital of Manila at 2 p.m. Beijing time.

It is expected to enter the South China Sea on Wednesday, bringing heavy rains and strong gales to Hainan in the next three to five days, said the observatory.

The typhoon will move northwest at a speed of 30 km per hour and is expected to cross the Philippine main Luzon Island Wednesday morning and into the east part of the South China Sea.

It will then approach the southeast waters of Hainan with gradually increasing intensity, packing winds of up to 120 km per hour, according to the observatory.

Podul is likely to land on the island province on Friday, or pass by the southern coasts of the province and head toward northern Vietnam.