Rare wild animals spotted in NE China

Source: Xinhua| 2019-09-24 09:25:29|Editor: huaxia
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Infrared camera captures a wild red fox wandering around at the Dabusu national nature reserve in northeast China's Jilin Province (Photo provided to Xinhua)

Rare red foxes and badgers have been spotted again after disappearing for many years at a nature reserve in northeast China, showing the improvement of the local environment.

CHANGCHUN, Sept. 24 (Xinhua) -- Red foxes and badgers have reappeared at the Dabusu national nature reserve in northeast China's Jilin Province, local authorities said Monday.

The two species, which had disappeared in the reserve for many years, have been captured wandering around by cameras, marking the substantial improvement of the local environment, said Yin Yongqian, a worker at the reserve.

Infrared camera captures a badger leaving its cave at the Dabusu national nature reserve (Photo provided to Xinhua)

The number of wild animals in the reserve, including grey cranes, eagles, pheasants and wild ducks, has also risen significantly.

Infrared camera captures a pheasant at the Dabusu national nature reserve (Photo provided to Xinhua)

The Dabusu nature reserve, located in Qian'an County with an area of 11,000 hectares, is home to Late Pleistocene fossils, wetlands and birds under national protection.

An aerial view of the Dabusu national nature reserve (Photo provided to Xinhua)

In the past two years, the authority of the reserve has strengthened the protection of wild animals, with four protection stations established, regular patrols introduced, and poaching and wetland destruction combated.

The reserve has also built a long-term cooperative relationship with Jilin University and Northeast Normal University to conduct research on the investigation and protection of rare birds, and also spent great efforts advocating knowledge of the environment and wild animal protection.