Wreckage of Indonesia cargo plane found, 4 bodies evacuated

Source: Xinhua| 2019-09-25 15:17:16|Editor: Shi Yinglun
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JAKARTA, Sept. 25 (Xinhua) -- Rescuers have recovered wreckage of a cargo plane that lost contact at a jungle in Indonesia's eastern Papua province last week and evacuated the bodies of all four people on board, a research official said Wednesday.

The Twin otter plane heading to Aminggaru airport in Illaga district terminated communication 18 minutes after departing from Mozes airport in Mimika district, according to national search and rescue office.

"The rescue team finally could evacuate all the bodies of the victims of the plane crash in mountainous area in Hoya district on Wednesday," head of communication for media of national search and rescue office Yusuf Latief told Xinhua in a text message.

All the bodies, Yusuf said, would be transported to the General Hospital in Mimika district for autopsy.

Rescuers would continue the operation on Thursday with a focus on search for the black boxes of the small plane, he cited.

Three crews and one passenger were on board when the incident hit the plane carrying logistics owned by a logistic agency, according to the office.