U.S. military in Syria leave 2 bases: Russian military

Source: Xinhua| 2019-10-16 02:36:53|Editor: huaxia
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Syrian soldiers are seen in the northwestern countryside of Manbij, northern Syria, on Jan. 12, 2019. (Xinhua)

Syrian government troops have occupied the bases and have full control over Manbij and nearby settlements.

MOSCOW, Oct. 15 (Xinhua) -- U.S. forces have left two bases in Syria and moved toward Syria's border with Iraq, the Russian Defense Ministry said Tuesday.

The bases in the areas of Dadat and Umm-Mial, located north of the city of Manbij and close to the Turkish border, have been occupied by Syrian government troops, which now have full control over Manbij and nearby settlements, the ministry said in a statement.

Russian military police are patrolling the northwestern borders of Manbij along the contact line between Syrian and Turkish armed forces, it said.

Contacts with the Turkish side have been established, it added.

The Associated Press also reported Tuesday that U.S. military spokesman Col. Myles B. Caggins tweeted that U.S. troops have left Manbij as part of their withdrawal from northeast Syria.

On Oct. 9, Turkey started a military campaign in northern Syria in an attempt to eliminate the Syrian Democratic Forces and its umbrella, the Kurdish People's Protection Units, which are both deemed by Ankara as separatists and terrorists.

The Kurdish forces have recently reached a deal with Damascus, which led to the Syrian army's entry into Kurdish-held areas to protect them against the Turkish offensive.

Ahead of the current Turkish campaign, U.S. President Donald Trump decided to withdraw forces from the two posts in the area. On Sunday, Washington said it will withdraw its remaining 1,000 troops from northern Syria.