Nigerian president calls for creation of special courts to fight corruption

Source: Xinhua| 2019-11-20 00:23:42|Editor: yan
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ABUJA, Nov. 19 (Xinhua) -- Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari on Tuesday renewed a call for special courts to be created to enhance the fight against corruption in the country.

Buhari, speaking in Abuja at the opening of a two-day national summit on diminishing corruption in the public service, said all arms and tiers of government must effectively join the fight against corruption by developing and implementing this anti-corruption measure.

"I invite the legislative and judicial arms of government to embrace and support the creation of Special Crimes Court that Nigerians have been agitating to handle corruption cases," the president said.

According to the Nigerian leader, corruption has been the cause of many major problems in the most populous African country.

"It is a catalyst for poverty, insecurity, weak educational system, poor health facilities and services and many other ills of our society.

"This government is working hard to overcome such ills. Corruption generally and public sector corruption, in particular, inhibits the ability of government to deliver infrastructure and basic services to the people," he said.

The president also identified corruption as a major threat to Nigeria's attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations and the socio-economic transformation which, he said, his government is working hard to bring about in the country.

The war against corruption cannot be won without prevention, enforcement, public education, and enlightenment, he added, further urging the citizens to join in the fight.