AMISOM probes death of former Somalia diplomat

Source: Xinhua| 2019-11-22 22:29:24|Editor: Shi Yinglun
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MOGADISHU, Nov. 22 (Xinhua) -- The African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) said on Friday it had commenced an investigation into the death of Almaas Elmani Ali Ahmed, a former Somalia female diplomat and peace activist.

According to a statement from AMISOM, the deceased was traveling to Aden Abdulle international airport in Mogadishu when a bullet hit her while inside a car on November 20. Both the driver and another passenger who traveled in the same car did not suffer injuries.

AMISOM said that a board of inquiry that constituted immediately after Elmani's death has already visited the scene of crime.

"Pending a final report, preliminary investigations indicate Ms. Elmani was hit by a stray bullet, especially as no firearm discharge was reported within the Base Camp at the time of the incident," said AMISOM.

It said that incidents of stray bullets have previously been recorded in the Base Camp and pledged to partner with the Federal Government of Somalia and security agencies to probe the envoy's death and share findings with the public.