Somali, U.S. forces kill al-Shabab terrorist in southern Somalia

Source: Xinhua| 2020-01-28 18:57:37|Editor: xuxin
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MOGADISHU, Jan. 28 (Xinhua) -- Somali and the United States forces killed an al-Shabab terrorist in a new airstrike conducted in the militants' stronghold in southern Somalia on Monday.

The U.S. Africa Command(AFRICOM) which has in the past conducted counterterrorism strikes against the terror group in Somalia said the latest airstrike was carried out in collaboration with the Somali forces in the vicinity of Jilib.

"We currently assess no civilians were injured or killed as a result of this airstrike," said AFRICOM.

The latest airstrike comes after the Somali government vowed to intensify military operations against the al-Shabab militant group which it said has weakened.

Government spokesman Ismael Mukhtar Omar said on Saturday the operations which are being carried out in collaboration with troops from the African peacekeeping mission and the U.S., highlights the increasing capability of the government security forces to secure the nation.

Ismael said the loss of cities as towns in Lower Shabelle in the southern region has significantly reduced al-Shabab's influence and forced them to rely on terrorist attacks such as the Dec. 28, 2019 bombing of innocent civilians in Mogadishu to remain relevant and generate fear amongst the local populace.