Foreign party leaders express confidence in China's battle against epidemic

Source: Xinhua| 2020-02-15 09:46:20|Editor: huaxia

Mobile photo taken on Feb. 14, 2020 shows Gao Yongzhe (L) and Huang Wenli posing for a photo gesturing a heart-shaped sign at "Wuhan Livingroom" in Wuhan, central China's Hubei Province. (Photo by Gao Xiang/Xinhua)

The Chinese people are rallying around the CPC, and showcasing China's strength to the whole world through actions, said Former Egyptian Prime Minister Essam Sharaf.

The epidemic will by no means destroy China, but will make it stronger instead, he said, adding that China will become more powerful after the crisis.

BEIJING, Feb. 15 (Xinhua) -- Political leaders from across the world have expressed their confidence in China's efforts to fight the novel coronavirus, saying China will achieve greater social and economic development after winning the battle against the epidemic.

In a message to the the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee said they sympathize with the Chinese people in the face of the epidemic, and believe that with the right decisions and strong leadership of the CPC and the Chinese government, the Chinese people will defeat the novel coronavirus at an early date.

Staff members cheer for themselves after putting on protective gears in a laboratory in Hefei, east China's Anhui Province, Feb. 13, 2020. (Xinhua/Zhang Duan)

The CPV and the Vietnamese government and people will continue to do everything in their capacity to cooperate with China and support its fight against the epidemic until the final victory, it added.

Sheikh Hasina Wazed, head of Bangladesh's Awami League and Prime Minister of Bangladesh, said in her message that following directives of General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee Xi Jinping, China has quickly mobilized resources to build makeshift hospitals and treat those infected in specific facilities.

China's efforts have effectively contained the spread of the virus, which is highly admirable, she said.

The Bangladeshi government and people will stand together with the friendly Chinese government and people throughout their fight, she said, while thanking Beijing for taking care of a large number of Bangladeshi nationals in China at this difficult time.

Phankham Viphavanh, a member of the Political Bureau of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party Central Committee and standing member of the Party Central Committee's Secretariat, said his party supports China's resolute measures to combat the novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19) epidemic.

Medical staff receive a patient infected with the novel coronavirus at the temporary hospital converted from Wuhan Sports Center in Wuhan, central China's Hubei Province, Feb. 12, 2020. (Xinhua/Xiao Yijiu)

He also expressed his confidence that the Chinese people will win their fight at an early date under Xi's strong leadership. Meanwhile, the Lao side opposes any ill-intentioned smear campaigns targeting China using the pretext of the epidemic.

For his part, General Secretary of Sri Lanka's Communist Party D.E.W. Gunasekara said that Chinese leaders have decisively resorted to all resources and measures to effectively contain the spread of the virus, which threatens the life of people in China and even beyond.

Gunasekara expressed his appreciation to the CPC for its contribution to human causes, adding that he has witnessed the leapfrog development of the Chinese economy in the past four decades, and firmly believes that under the leadership of the CPC, China will eventually win the battle against the epidemic and revive its economy.

Sophia Shaningwa, secretary-general of Namibia's ruling party South West Africa People's Organization, said that the Chinese nation keeps forging ahead despite having experienced difficulties and hardships, and the current epidemic will only make the Chinese people stronger and more united.

We will firmly stand together with the CPC and the Chinese people and we believe China will surely overcome the challenge, she added.

A cured patient thumbs up to medical staff at the Third People's Hospital of Tibet, in Lhasa, capital of southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region, Feb. 12, 2020. (Xinhua/Chogo)

Binalf Andualem, head of Ethiopian Prosperity Party Main Office, said his party stands resolutely together with the CPC and the Chinese people, and firmly believes that the CPC and the Chinese people will win the battle against the epidemic soon, adding that the recent positive changes in the epidemic situation have also intensified our confidence.

Former Egyptian Prime Minister Essam Sharaf said that the Chinese people are rallying around the CPC, and showcasing China's strength to the whole world through actions.

The epidemic will by no means destroy China, but will make it stronger instead, he said, adding that China will become more powerful after the crisis.

Besides the above-mentioned political leaders, more have expressed willingness to strengthen cooperation with the CPC to fight the epidemic, including President of Myanmar's Union Betterment Party U Shwe Mann, General Secretary of the Communist Party of India D. Raja, President of Lebanon's Union Party Abdul Rahim Mrad, President of parliamentary group of the Yisrael Beiteinu Party Oded Forer, General Secretary of Sierra Leone People's Party Umatu Napoleon Koroma, General Secretary of Cape Verde's Movement for Democracy Miguel Monteiro, President of Niger's Party for Democracy and Socialism Mohamed Bazoum, General Secretary of Chad's Patriotic Salvation Movement Mahamat Zene Bada, General Secretary of Brazil's Democratic Labour Party Manoel Dias, President of the Communist Party of Australia Vinicio Molina, Chairman of the German Communist Party Patrik Kobele.