Third case of COVID-19 confirmed in Croatia

Source: Xinhua| 2020-02-27 04:25:45|Editor: huaxia

ZAGREB, Feb. 26 (Xinhua) -- After two confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Zagreb, the first case outside the Croatian capital was confirmed on Wednesday afternoon in coastal city Rijeka.

The infected man had been working in Parma in northern Italy, and is now hospitalized in Rijeka.

Croatia confirmed the first case on Tuesday after a 25-year-old man who attended a football game in Milan tested positive for infection. Earlier on Wednesday, his twin brother also tested positive for infection. They are both hospitalized at a hospital for infectious diseases in Zagreb.

Interior Minister Davor Bozinovic told media on Wednesday that all counties are instructed on organizing quarantine accommodation if needed. He noted that there is no need for a general ban on public gatherings at the moment.