Nearly 100 Cuban health workers test positive for COVID-19

Source: Xinhua| 2020-04-18 17:27:25|Editor: huaxia

HAVANA, April 18 (Xinhua) -- Close to 100 health professionals have tested positive for COVID-19 in Cuba, the country's Minister of Public Health Jose Angel Portal Miranda said on Friday.

Among Cuban health workers infected with the virus, there are 47 doctors, 30 nurses, four health technicians, five medical students as well as 11 people from other fields of medicine, he said on state TV.

Portal Miranda also said Cuba's frontline health workers in hospitals and isolation centers have been provided with protective medical equipment during the pandemic.

"We all are vulnerable to contract COVID-19," he added.

Cuba has reported 31 deaths from COVID-19 as confirmed cases so far stand at 923.

The country has sent 21 medical brigades with about 1,200 Cuban doctors and nurses to curb the virus's spread in neighboring Latin American and Caribbean countries as well as in Europe, Africa and the Middle East. Enditem