Xi says China opposes disruption of int'l anti-epidemic cooperation

Source: Xinhua| 2020-05-21 00:27:01|Editor: huaxia

BEIJING, May 20 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping said Wednesday that China opposes acts that disrupt international cooperation against the COVID-19 pandemic and undermine the world's and especially developing countries' anti-epidemic efforts.

In a telephone conversation with Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, Xi added that China is willing to continue to work with the international community, including Bangladesh, to support the World Health Organization in playing a leading role, promote international cooperation on joint prevention and control, and safeguard global public health security.

Xi said that at the critical moment in China's fight against the coronavirus disease, various sections of Bangladeshi society extended support to China in different ways, which has demonstrated the profound friendship the Bangladeshi people share with the Chinese people.

As the epidemic is currently spreading in South Asia, the task of prevention and control remains arduous, said Xi, adding that China will continue to provide firm support and as much assistance as its capacity allows for Bangladesh's anti-epidemic efforts in line with the latter's needs, and will also send a medical team to Bangladesh in the near future.

He said he is confident that under Hasina's leadership, the Bangladeshi people will prevail over the epidemic at an early date.

Expressing gratitude for the Bangladeshi government's help for Chinese nationals in the country, he said China will also continue to ensure the safety and health of Bangladeshi citizens in China.

China and Bangladesh are neighbors with traditional friendship and also important development partners, Xi said, suggesting that the two countries strengthen their strategic cooperative partnership and deepen cooperation in the joint construction of the Belt and Road.

He added that China stands ready to work with Bangladesh, on the basis of putting in place proper epidemic prevention and control measures, to gradually create favorable conditions for the two sides to resume the implementation of key cooperation projects and maintain the stability of industrial and supply chains, and lay a sound foundation for them to expand cooperation in various fields after the pandemic.

For her part, Hasina said that Bangladesh and China have a long-standing and profound friendship and Xi's successful state visit to Bangladesh in 2016 elevated bilateral relations to a new height.

When Bangladesh was experiencing a difficult time in its fight against the epidemic, China provided valuable support and assistance which has strengthened Bangladesh's capability for the epidemic prevention and control, and shored up Bangladesh's confidence in overcoming difficulties, for which Bangladesh is deeply grateful, Hasina said.

The COVID-19 pandemic is a global challenge which should be jointly addressed by all countries, she said.

The Bangladeshi prime minister thanked China for taking care of Bangladeshi nationals in China, especially Bangladeshi students in Wuhan, adding that her country will provide a good guarantee for the life of Chinese nationals in Bangladesh.

Bangladesh is ready to jointly build the Belt and Road with China and promote the continuous development of the strategic cooperative partnership between Bangladesh and China, she added.