Tanzanian president Magufuli seeks re-election

Source: Xinhua| 2020-06-17 20:32:58|Editor: huaxia

DAR ES SALAAM, June 17 (Xinhua) -- Tanzanian President John Magufuli on Wednesday collected a nomination form for the presidential candidacy seeking re-election to the country's top office.

Bashiru Ally, secretary general of the ruling party Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM), presented the nomination form to Magufuli at the CCM headquarters in the capital, Dodoma.

Magufuli was elected president in October 2015.

A statement issued by the Directorate of Presidential Communications at State House said Magufuli appealed to CCM members and Tanzanians in general to pray for him in his journey toward seeking the party's nomination to the presidential race in the October general elections.

The president also urged the party members to take part in the electoral process in a peaceful environment, the statement said.

Magufuli dissolved parliament on Tuesday, signaling the start of the electoral process toward the general elections to pick councilors, members of parliament and the president.

According to Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa, 29,804,992 Tanzanians have registered to vote in this year's elections, compared to 23,161,440 voters registered in 2015. Tanzania has a population of about 55 million.

Last week, CCM Ideology and Publicity Secretary Humphrey Polepole said from July 6 through July 10 the ruling party's organs, including the National Executive Committee and the Central Committee, will pick not more than three nominees for the presidential candidacy.

Polepole added that between July 11 and July 12, the party's national congress will pick one candidate that will represent the party in presidential race for the October general elections. Enditem