Chinese embassy delivers donation of medical supplies to Brazil

Source: Xinhua| 2020-07-04 05:44:08|Editor: huaxia

BRASILIA, July 3 (Xinhua) -- The Chinese Embassy in Brazil delivered on Thursday the first batch of medical equipment and supplies donated by the Chinese government to help the country fight the COVID-19 pandemic.

The ceremony was held online and attended by the Chinese Ambassador to Brazil, Yang Wanming, as well as a number of Brazilian officials.

"When Brazil was hit by the pandemic, China was one of the first countries to offer its aid," Yang said.

"Based on the needs of Brazil, China quickly purchased this shipment of more than two tons of equipment, which includes 5,000 protective garments, 50,000 surgical masks, and a host of other medical and hospital supplies such as goggles, gloves, shoe covers and thermometers," he added.

Yang said that around 20 provinces and municipalities as well as 30 companies in China have donated or will donate health care equipment such as respirators, CT machines, protective clothing, testing equipment and hospital beds to Brazil.

Chinese authorities also organized more than 10 video conferences that allowed health professionals from Brazil and China to exchange experiences in fighting COVID-19, assisted Brazil in securing hundreds of tons of medical equipment and initiated partnerships between research institutions for vaccine research and development.

"We are also ready to plan bilateral Chinese-Brazilian cooperation in multiple areas after the pandemic in order to jointly promote economic recovery and the improvement of living standards. We are ready to work with Brazil to develop international cooperation and contribute to building a community of common health for mankind," Yang stated.

Brazilian authorities thanked the Chinese government, companies and civil society for their valuable assistance, saying that although Brazil is facing serious difficulties due to the pandemic, China has provided the country with guidance and assistance in combatting the disease on several occasions. Enditem