Lymphatic system has crucial role in heart recovery: Israeli research

Source: Xinhua| 2020-07-08 01:39:39|Editor: huaxia

JERUSALEM, July 7 (Xinhua) -- Israeli scientists have discovered that the lymphatic system has a crucial role in repairing the heart from injury, the Weizmann Institute of Science (WIS) said Tuesday.

This finding may help develop new ways of promoting heart repair and facilitating the growth of heart tissue for transplant, the WIS said.

The researchers have shown that not only blood flowing through its vessels is essential for heart recovery, but also the lymph colorless fluid that circulates in a parallel network, and the lymphatic vessels in which it moves.

The body's network of lymphatic vessels serves as a conduit for immune cells and drains fluid, as well as providing individual services to various organs.

The team showed that without an adequate network of lymphatic vessels, the hearts of zebrafish which can completely regenerate following injury, fail to heal, even in the presence of blood vessels.

The researchers also identified two distinct types of lymphatic vessels in the fish heart, which form by different mechanisms and perform different tasks.

According to the team, a more detailed understanding of the lymphatic system's role may help develop new ways of preventing scarring and promoting healing after heart attacks or other types of heart muscle injury.

In addition, knowing exactly how the lymphatic system contributes to heart muscle growth may help grow heart tissue in lab conditions for transplantation. Enditem