Trump campaign raises 210 mln USD in August, falling short of Biden

Source: Xinhua| 2020-09-10 05:37:15|Editor: huaxia

WASHINGTON, Sept. 9 (Xinhua) -- U.S. President Donald Trump's campaign and joint Republican committees raised 210 million U.S. dollars in August, a monthly record for the president, said Trump's campaign manager Bill Stepien in a statement on Wednesday.

In comparison, Democratic nominee Joe Biden's presidential campaign and joint fundraising committees raised 364.5 million dollars in the same period as the former vice president picked Senator Kamala Harris as his running mate and accepted nomination at the Democratic National Convention.

The Trump campaign said the haul included 76 million dollars raised during the Republican National Convention, compared with 70 million dollars raised by the Democrats during their convention.

August was also the largest online fundraising month for the president's re-election effort, the Trump campaign said.

"The Trump campaign will have all the resources we need to spread the message of President Trump's incredible record of achievement, on the ground and on the air, and define Joe Biden as a tool of the radical left," said Stepien.

Trump said Tuesday that he would put his own money into his reelection campaign if necessary, though downplaying the need for it currently.

Trump's campaign had a huge financial edge over Democratic nominee Joe Biden five months ago but that advantage has evaporated as the two are entering the final two-month stretch of the 2020 presidential election, the New York Times reported on Monday.

A CNBC report said Wednesday that Democrats running for U.S. Congress seats have been able to raise more than their Republican opponents so far, citing data from the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics. Enditem