Hong Kong issues No. 8 typhoon signal as Nangka draws near

Source: Xinhua| 2020-10-13 09:03:21|Editor: huaxia

A pedestrian walks against strong winds on the road in south China's Hong Kong, Oct. 13, 2020. The Hong Kong Observatory issued the No. 8 Northeast Gale or Storm Signal on Tuesday morning as typhoon Nangka was brushing past Hong Kong. The No. 8 signal will remain in force for most of the day on Tuesday, the observatory said. Many of the public services are affected owing to the typhoon. (Xinhua/Lo Ping Fai)

HONG KONG, Oct. 13 (Xinhua) -- The Hong Kong Observatory issued the No. 8 Northeast Gale or Storm Signal on Tuesday morning as typhoon Nangka was brushing past Hong Kong.

At 8 a.m. local time, tropical storm Nangka was centered about 450 km south-southwest of Hong Kong and is forecast to move west or west-northwest at about 22 km per hour towards the vicinity of Hainan Island and intensify gradually, according to the observatory.

The No. 8 signal will remain in force for most of the day on Tuesday, the observatory said.

The Education Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) government announced class suspension of all day schools.

Many of the public services are affected owing to the typhoon, with hearings of the courts adjourned, driving tests cancelled, collection points of deep throat saliva samples for COVID-19 testing set up in 13 designated public clinics suspended.

The observatory suggested the public stay away from the shoreline and not engage in water sports. Enditem 

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