Xinhua world news summary at 1030 GMT, Dec. 19

Source: Xinhua| 2020-12-19 18:39:32|Editor: huaxia

DHAKA -- At least 12 people were killed when a train ploughed into a bus Saturday morning at a rail crossing in Bangladesh's Joypurhat district, 249 km northwest of capital Dhaka.

AKM Alamgir Jahan, officer-in-charge of Joypurhat Sadar Police Station, told reporters that six people were also injured in the accident at about 7:00 a.m. local time. (Bangladesh-Train Accident)

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CHARIKAR, Afghanistan -- Rockets fired by militants Saturday struck a main U.S.-NATO base in Bagram district of Afghanistan's Parwan province, to the north of Kabul, with no immediate report on casualties or extent of damage, a provincial government spokesperson confirmed.

"Five rounds of rockets were fired onto Bagram Airfield from an abandoned truck parked in Qalandar Khil locality of Bagram district roughly at 5:50 a.m. local time Saturday," Wahida Shahkar told reporters via a text message. (Afghanistan-Parwan-Rocket Attack)

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ANKARA -- At least nine patients were killed on Saturday after an explosion of a respiratory machine caused fire in a private hospital in Turkey's southeastern Gaziantep province, Turkish Health Minister Fahrettin Koca said on Twitter.

Gaziantep governorate said in an earlier written statement that eight out of 19 patients in the intensive care unit at private Sani Konukoglu Hospital died, and 11 patients were transferred to other hospitals. There were no fire-related injuries in the incident. (Turkey-Hospital Fire-Kill)

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BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN -- Brunei reported no new cases of COVID-19 on Saturday, with the national tally of cases standing at 152.

According to Brunei's Ministry of Health, there is no active cases in the country and the total number of recovered cases remain at 149.

It also marked the 11th consecutive day without new cases since Dec. 8, when the country recorded an imported case from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Brunei-COVID-19) Enditem