Pic story: tomb keeper of poet of Tang Dynasty Li Bai

Source: Xinhua| 2021-04-02 22:08:33|Editor: huaxia

Gu Changxin watches stone tablets of Li Bai's poems at Li Bai cultural park in Dangtu County of Maanshan City, east China's Anhui Province, March 31, 2021. The tomb of Li Bai, a famous poet of Tang Dynasty (618-907), is located at the foot of Qingshan Mountain in Dangtu County of Maanshan City. After Li Bai died in Dangtu, his good friend Gu Lanxin offered his land as Li Bai's burial place. Since then, the Gu's family has become the guardian of Li Bai's tomb, which continues to this day. In 1985, 18-year-old Gu Changxin became the 49th generation tomb keeper. For more than 30 years, Gu Changxin has been responsible for cleaning Li Bai's tomb every day, and at the same time, he has also undertaken the task of a guide. In order to better introduce Li Bai's culture to Chinese and foreign tourists, Gu Changxin studied Li Bai and his poems. By guarding Li Bai's tomb, Gu also gradually became a guardian of traditional culture. (Xinhua/Zhang Duan)

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