(Hello Africa) Feature: Cultural festival boosts exchanges between China, Nigeria

Source: Xinhua| 2021-05-20 20:03:32|Editor: huaxia

Contestants in the "horn of China" song and dance competition sing Chinese songs in Abuja, Nigeria, on May 18. (Xinhua/Guo Jun)

Chinese costumes and props, as well as traditional Nigerian attires, were in a colorful display at a cultural festival in Abuja Tuesday, presenting a great spectacle for the audience who witnessed the growing people-to-people interaction between China and Nigeria.

ABUJA, May 20 (Xinhua) -- Chinese costumes and props, as well as traditional Nigerian attires, were in a colorful display at a cultural festival in Abuja on Tuesday, presenting a great spectacle for the audience who witnessed the growing people-to-people interaction between China and Nigeria.

Students from 12 public secondary schools in Abuja thronged the China Cultural Center, the venue of the 2021 China-Nigeria Cultural Fiesta, to compete among themselves for three main categories, namely Chinese songs, Chinese dance, and Nigerian songs and dance.

Contestants in the "horn of China" song and dance competition perform traditional Nigerian dance in Abuja, Nigeria, on May 18. (Xinhua/Guo Jun)

The event organized by the Chinese Embassy in Nigeria and the Secondary Education Board of Nigeria's federal capital territory(FCT), celebrated annually, and is a brainchild of the Chinese Corners, a club formed for extracurricular purposes by government-owned secondary schools in Abuja, to learn and share ideas about the Chinese culture.

For Joy Omarama, the cultural fiesta was a great opportunity for her to socialize with students from other schools, and to have the first-hand experience of Chinese and Nigerian cultures on the same stage.

"I feel very happy. I am happy to be part of this event. I am happy to learn Chinese culture," said an exited Omarama, after she and her team from the Government Secondary School Garki appeared winner at the category of Chinese songs.

"I find pleasure watching Chinese movies. I find pleasure in their dance and their songs. It warms the heart," she told Xinhua.

Contestants in the "horn of China" song and dance competition perform traditional Nigerian dance in Abuja, Nigeria, on May 18. (Xinhua/Guo Jun)

The only problem she has with Chinese songs is that she does not know the meaning of their lyrics, as she has never been trained systematacially in Chinese language.

"Some of us are willing to learn the Chinese language in our school. We will be happier and willing to learn the Chinese culture and the language if we can get a teacher," she said.

Yakubu Ibrahim, an official of the FCT Secondary Education Board, revealed at the opening of the event that one of the main challenges Chinese Corners faced is the short of Chinese language teachers. Many participants and their teachers know a little or nothing about Chinese language, and they are here in the event purely out of their love for Chinese culture.

"They just downloaded videos of Chinese songs and dances, and they watched videos and practised over and over again," Ibrahim said.

Eze Adeize, Omarama's teacher, told Xinhua they started training since last year.

"We worked hard and went through a lot together," said Adeize, "Chinese songs are not that easy to learn but they are beautiful and once you learn them you will like to keep singing them."

Contestants in the "horn of China" song and dance competition perform Chinese dance in Abuja, Nigeria, on May 18.(Xinhua/Guo Jun)

Lukman Umar, a teacher form the Government Secondary School Dutse, is proud to lead his boys and girls to win the champion at the category of Chinese dance.

"I employed so many ways to encourage and motivate the students to pay attention to the Chinese songs and dances that we practised. I mentor them as much as I can," said Umar.

He said there is a need to have more experience in the language and culture of the Chinese.

"As a teacher, we need to know the language well and more culture. We need more training because we are the ones that will train the students. We need Chinese teachers as well," he said.

At the end of the event, the team from the Government Secondary School Jabi won the category of Nigerian songs and dance.

According to Li Xuda, the cultural counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Nigeria, the essence of culture is a people-to-people exchange, serving as a bridge, and promoting mutual understanding, learning between people and their countries.

"Culture is a country and nation's soul. Our countries will thrive only if our cultures thrive, and our nations will be strong only if our cultures are strong," Li said, adding the annual event offers a platform for the cultural exchanges between the two countries, and fuels the people to people friendship.