Industries for poverty-relief purposes help increase people's income in China's Shanxi

Source: Xinhua| 2018-08-24 08:38:05|Editor: mmm
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Tourists look at handmade lanterns displayed by a handicraft company in Guangling County of Datong, north China's Shanxi Province, Aug. 23, 2018. The company has helped over 200 impoverished residents by providing them with occupational training. In recent years, local authorities of Guangling have taken an industry-based approach towards poverty relief. By now, industries for poverty-relief purposes have been set up in the county's 43 impoverished villages, with over 2,000 target households achieving an average increase of 15,000 yuan (2,194 U.S. dollars) in annual income. (Xinhua/Tao Ming)

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KEY WORDS: poverty-relief