AU says forces kill 7 Shabab terrorists in southern Somalia

Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-11 19:08:56|Editor: huaxia
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MOGADISHU, Aug. 11 (Xinhua) -- The African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) has said its forces killed seven Shabab terrorists and injured several others in a counter-offensive in Lower Shabelle region.

The terrorists were killed after they ambushed Ugandan troops on a routine patrol Tuesday afternoon on the main supply routes between Beldamin-Golweyn forward operating bases in southern Somalia, AMISOM said in a statement.

"AMISOM commends the bravery and fast action of its soldiers in which one peacekeeper sustained injuries," the AU mission said in the statement issued on Tuesday evening.

An assortment of weapons were recovered during the counter-attack by Ugandan troops who engaged and dislodged the Shabab ambush near the mission's military bases in Lower Shabelle, AMISOM said.

Aid agencies say the poor state of main supply routes in south-central Somalia has provided conditions for al-Shabab to continue laying ambushes and use explosive devices against AMISOM convoys and Somali national security forces. Enditem

KEY WORDS: Somalia,AU,Shabab