Sri Lanka opens its 1st automated mask manufacturing plant

Source: Xinhua| 2021-03-17 17:32:10|Editor: huaxia
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COLOMBO, March 17 (Xinhua) -- Sri Lanka has opened its first accredited and fully automated masks manufacturing facility in Kotugoda in the western part of the island country, with an investment of an estimated 830,000 U.S. dollars, local media reported Wednesday.

According to a statement, the factory operated by Sensetronics Limited, will manufacture 3-ply and KN95 masks as the demand for such masks has increased amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

The facility will provide the general public affordable and quality masks, while it is also expected to bring in foreign exchange through exports, the company said in a statement.

The factory was declared open by State Minister of Production, Supply and Regulation of Pharmaceutical Channa Jayasumana.

Sri Lanka's Health Ministry has made it mandatory to wear masks and maintain social distance to prevent a further spread of the virus, and police have warned that anyone caught leaving their homes without masks will be fined or will face a jail term. Enditem