Trials of detained Myanmar president, state counsellor to begin next week

Source: Xinhua| 2021-06-07 22:35:05|Editor: huaxia
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YANGON, June 7 (Xinhua) -- The trials for Myanmar's detained President U Win Myint and State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi will begin next week, Khin Maung Zaw, the lawyer for the two leaders told reporters on Monday.

"The cases of Aung San Suu Kyi were classified as simple cases at the court today, so the trials for those cases need to finish within 180 days," the lawyer said.

"We will hear testimonies from plaintiffs for the cases of the two leaders starting next week scheduled to be held on June 14," said the lawyer, adding that Suu Kyi's trial is expected to end on July 26.

President U Win Myint is facing two court charges while six cases have been filed against State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi.

The military has alleged massive voting fraud in the country's November 2020 general elections, which saw the National League for Democracy win a majority of seats in both houses of parliament.

Earlier in February, the State Administration Council reformed the Union Election Commission, taking steps to review the general elections process.

State power was transferred to Commander-in-Chief of Defense Services Sen-Gen Min Aung Hlaing after the declaration of a state of emergency in the country on Feb. 1. Enditem