Wuhan lab leak theory of COVID-19 groundless, politically driven, says columnist

Source: Xinhua| 2021-06-04 15:53:18|Editor: huaxia
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MOSCOW, June 4 (Xinhua) -- Western allegations claiming that COVID-19 may have leaked from a Chinese laboratory are an attempt to exploit the pandemic for political purposes and divert attention from alternative theories, according to international affairs columnist Mikhail Morozov.

In his article "Biological warfare of major powers: what the U.S. is hiding with its allegations against China" published Tuesday on the Free Press Internet, Morozov studied the chronology of Western accusations and evidence of virus origins.

Through an analysis of articles in a range of media publications, Morozov concluded that evidence of the Wuhan lab leak theory is groundless, contradictory, and lacks reliable sources.

While the flow of "sensationalism" in journalism is nothing new for the West, the recent display of unified anti-Chinese rhetoric and studies that have suddenly emerged "as if on cue" are rather odd, says Morozov.

"Studies proving the man-made nature of the new coronavirus began to appear as if on command," he says.

"All this suggests that the West tries to use every possibility to accuse China of spreading the infection. Or at least they are using the global tragedy for their own political goals or to divert attention from other theories," Morozov adds.

Morozov explains that with no reliable evidence, Western officials either completely ignore or purposefully try to divert attention from the theory that the virus could have similarly leaked from a lab in Britain or the United States. Enditem