Leaders' Remarks|Improving Party Style|Achievements|Local Elections|Profile of Party Members|Photos|Backgrounder

Shanghai residents greet 16th CPC National Congress

Tibetan delegates to 16th CPC national congress arrive

Some 1,400 reporters to cover 16th CPC National Congress

15th CPC Central Committee holds 7th plenum

Chinese greet the 16th Party Congress
CPC members play important roles in social life (10-13 08:56)
A Village Party Secretary's Dream (09-25 16:45)
A Party Member in Motorola (09-25 16:45)
Zhang Yunbo: People's loyal guard (09-25 15:46)
Model Prosecutor Xia Meizhong (09-25 15:45)
Chen Shilu: Servant of the people (09-25 15:24)

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