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Brunei 2000
    APEC Economic Leaders Meetings

The Osaka Action Agenda (1995)

Brief Introduction

In Osaka on 19 November 1995, APEC economic leaders initiated the work of translating the Blake Island vision and the Bogor goals into reality. They adopted the Osaka Action Agenda, a blueprint for implementing their commitment to free and open trade and investment, business facilitation, and economic and technical cooperation. Part I of the Action Agenda deals with trade and investment liberalization and facilitation. Part II deals with economic and technical cooperation in areas such as energy and transportation, infrastructure, small and medium enterprises, and agricultural technology. A Trade and Investment Liberalization & Facilitation (TILF) Special Account was established under the APEC Central Fund for APEC projects that support implementation of the Osaka Action Agenda.

The Bogor Declaration of Common Resolve (1994)

Brief Introduction

On 15 November 1994, Indonesian President Soeharto hosted the second meeting of APEC economic leaders who discussed where the economies of the region need to go in the next 25 years. In their Declaration of Common Resolve, the economic leaders agreed to achieve the goal of free and open trade and investment in the region no later than 2010 for the industrialized economies and 2020 for developing economies. The economic leaders further agreed to narrow the gap in the stages of development among Asia-Pacific economies. To this end, APEC will provide opportunities for developing economies to increase further their economic growth and level of development consistent with sustainable growth, equitable development, and member economy stability.

The Blake Island Economic Vision (1993)

Brief Introduction

On 20 November 1993, APEC economic leaders, hosted by U.S. President Clinton, met for the first time at Blake Island, Seattle, Washington to hold informal discussions. Their vision was for an Asia-Pacific that harnesses the energy of its diverse economies, strengthens cooperation, and promotes prosperity, in which the spirit of openness and partnership deepens and dynamic growth continues, contributing to an expanding world economy and supporting an open international trading system. They envisioned continued reduction of trade and investment barriers so that trade expands within the region and with the world, and goods, services, capital, and investment flow freely among APEC economies. People in APEC economies would share the benefits of economic growth through higher incomes, high skilled and high paying jobs and increased mobility. Improved education and training would produce rising literacy rates, provide the skills for maintaining economic growth and encourage the sharing of ideas that contribute to the arts and sciences. Advances in telecommunications would shrink time and distance barriers in the region and link APEC economies so that goods and people move quickly and efficiently. Finally, they envisioned an Asia-Pacific in which the environment is improved as APEC economies protect the quality of air, water, and green spaces and manage energy sources and renewable resources to ensure sustainable growth and provide a more secure future.

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